What are the workshops like?
WARM currently has three types of training workshops:
- WARM 101: Opening the Door to Refugee Ministry*
A one-hour video that introduces refugee ministry and WARM.
Learn about who WARM is, what a refugee is, why we should care, and how we can serve!
- WARM 201: Engaging in Refugee Ministry*
A two-hour live training that takes place in-person or over Zoom.
Topics include: connecting across cultures, promoting self-sufficiency, helping without hurting, talking about faith, finding your niche in volunteering, and more.
- Connections Meetings
These are "extra" training workshops centered on a specific topic that are intended to help volunteers in their ministry to refugees.
*WARM 101 and 201 are to be taken in order, and are required for volunteers who would like to volunteer one-on-one with refugees.
When is the next event?
We schedule training workshops periodically and by request.
Check out our Events page, but if you don't see any upcoming training events, contact us to schedule one!

Church Groups
We envision local churches developing teams of people who will welcome and befriend refugee families. We need champions to spark a movement and invite others to discover the joy of working cross-culturally with refugees God has brought to our cities. As teams form and minister together, each person gets to share their strengths, learn from one another, and build up the church. Our desire is to see churches strengthened as they follow Jesus by sharing and showing His love to newcomers.
If you would like us to meet with your pastors or outreach team, speak at your church, or plan a workshop for your church or small group, please contact us. Our goal is to come alongside you as you develop a team to serve refugees in your community.